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For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term "Ninjahattorie", it is a satirical web series where the protagonist attempts to navigate adulthood while still living with her parents. It has been described as funny, refreshing, and unique, though its content can not only be difficult to relate to (the show tackles difficult topics like suicide and cheating), but also hard for some viewers to understand. This article will discuss how Ninjahattorie has garnered online success through episodic release on YouTube. There is no doubt that this website's modus operandi is fundamentally different from other popular YouTube stars who typically upload one video at a time every two weeks or so. Even though the episodes are released out of order, viewers seem to follow and enjoy the series. Some viewers enjoy watching all of the episodes in chronological order and some like to wait and see what happens next. The format of Ninjahattorie is different from other YouTube shows because it is not necessary to watch each video in order – anything more than one video would be considered over-dependence. Other YouTube shows like You Suck at Photoshop, The Annoying Orange, iJustine, and Epic Rap Battles of History all have large fanbases; however, none of these shows can match Ninjahattorie's numbers. The show is not only popular with young adults who view the material, but it seems to strike a chord with adults as well. Some older viewers can relate to it because many of them were in their early twenties when they decided to give up the stability of their childhood bedrooms. Each episode follows Hattie in her struggles with love, family, and friends while at the same time allowing viewers to laugh at her mistakes and misfortunes. On average, an episode will be watched by about 10 thousand people which is much less than other YouTube series that may be featured on one of the site's pages or blogs. Although Ninjahattorie has not achieved this success with its episodes, it has received positive feedback from viewers and critics alike. While many YouTube series focus on comedy, some of these shows occasionally upload clips that end with a serious message; most notably the ones that feature the Annoying Orange. This show uses silly humor to get its point across because it wants its viewers to listen to what it has to say. It is able to do this without becoming too dark or too serious by using an immature fruit as its main character. Episodic release of online videos is not only unique in nature but also in appearance. Viewers have been conditioned by the current state of media to expect certain things from a video online – a video that does not feature one character, a storyline that is separated into parts, or a song that is continuous and flows from one scene to another – all of this contrasts with Ninjahattorie's format. This series is made up of short clips. Each clip can stand on its own as a single entity without the need for context. In this case, an episode does not rely on other episodes to make sense or for it to be funny. cfa1e77820